Updates As Of 05/22/24

Restaurant Guide UPDATES 05/22/24:

Restaurant Guide - Our Restaurant Guide has 561 restaurants listed in all!

Can't find the restaurant you are looking for? Then use our Restaurant Submission Form and we'll be sure to add it to our list!

Weight Watchers SmartPoints® Are Being Updated! You can also calculate foods yourself using our new and updated calculator!

There are only a few more restaurants that need to be updated. We are in the process of completing these as well as all of the restaurant updates which have been emailed to us in the past year. You can see the status Here. Please be patient as we finish up! Thanks, JDN Staff.

Please be patient if you have submitted a restaurant and have yet to see it on the list. Quite a few restaurants submitted do not supply nutrition information so these will not be able to go on our site. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please see the updates page to see the list of restaurants that need to be added. Thanks to all the people that have been using our Restaurant Submission Form to make it a lot easier for us to add to our ever-growing restaurant list.


I am you and you are me

Just day to day struggles with losing and keeping weight off and trying to be healthy. The great changes in my body as I do lose weight and a few not so great

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I am 50 years old and have lost about 84 pounds over a two and a half year period. I want to lose about twenty more.

Posted by on in Other
     Some magical things occur as you see the weight on the scale go down. Those “Yes” moments when you realize that all your hard work is paying off.  Some of them are obvious like our pants and shirts fitting better or even getting baggy. Well, I got super excited one day when I was drying off after a shower. Hmmm, wonder if I could actually take this towel and wrap it around myself and tuck it in like I see them do on television. I could not believe it!  Not only cou...
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Posted by on in Other Diet Plans
A couple of years ago I was watching one of my favorite television shows, Saturday Night Live, and they had a skit that was like an infomercial. The announcer was saying that they were going to present an amazing weight loss idea. He was all excited and asked the man what his great idea was and the answer was “Eat less, move more” Is there any medications they needed to purchase? “No, eat less, move more”. Any fancy exercise machinery to purchase? “No, eat less, move more”. That was it....
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Posted by on in Other
I decided that I really needed to lose weight when I overheard a Football announcer on television exclaimed, "He is a big guy Mark, he is 254 and 6' 3", yeah, he is a big guy" I was stunned! I weighed 10 more pounds then this big ol Football player. I just couldn't get that out of my mind. I thought about the gift of good genes that I was given, no heart disease and no diabities, etc and I was taking a risk with my health by not eating good, healthy food. I started two and a half years ago to ea...
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JustDietNow.com is independently owned & operated and is not affiliated with Weight Watchers.

NOTE: WEIGHT WATCHERS, POINTS, POINTSPLUS & SMARTPOINTS are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Authentic information about the Weight Watchers program is only available at your local Weight Watchers meeting or on the WeightWatchers.com website. This site is not affiliated with Weight Watchers International in any way, and Weight Watchers has not reviewed this site for accuracy or suitability for Weight Watchers members. Information on this site is based on recollections and assumptions of its author and is not warranted for any purpose by its author. All readers are encouraged to go to a Weight Watchers meeting for actual Weight Watchers information. This site is presented under the rights of the First Amendment; rights worth fighting for.

The formulas that have been used to calculate Points, PointsPlus & SmartPoints values are not actual Weight Watchers formulas. The values listed on the site may differ from the actual Weight Watchers Points, PointsPlus & SmartPoints values. In order to calculate the actual values you will need a SmartPoints calculator purchased through a Weight Watchers meeting or Weight Watchers Online. For more information on Weight Watchers or the PointsPlus system please go to WeightWatchers.com.

JDN Notches Calculators are generated by JustDietNow and does not have any collaboration with Weight Watchers Calculators. Notches may vary slightly due to our own formulas to calculate the scores.

All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen.