Zoup Nutrition Information

You can find all the Zoup nutrition information including calories, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and protein for each menu item. This will help everyone following all different diet programs. This information will keep you on the right track while eating at Zoup. If you have found this helpful, or have any items that I may have missed, then please leave a comment.

*Weight Watchers® Points® and PointsPlus® values for Restaurants have been calculated by JustDietNow and are not endorsed by Weight Watchers International, Inc.


Menu Items Serving
Soups Serving
Brocolli Cheddar 8 oz. 290 20 11 2 13 7 8
Chicken Fajita 8 oz. 110 3 10 2 8 2 3
Chicken Pot Pie 8 oz. 210 9 18 2 13 5 6
Chicken with Roasted Garlic   8 oz. 37 1 6.8 2.3 7 0 2
Corn & Crab Chowder 8 oz 420 32 21 2 10 11 11
El Grande Chili   8 oz. 160 6 14 7 10 3 4
Frontier 7 Beam 8 oz. 100 1.5 11 6 5 1 2
Italian Pasta & Vegetables 8 oz. 180 2.5 26 5 8 3 4
Italian Wedding with Turkey Meatballs  8 oz. 150 5 13 1 11 3 4
Jamaican Bay Gumbo 8 oz. 130 1.5 15 4 11 2 3
Lobster Bisque 8 oz. 310 22 14 0 11 8 8
Macaroni & Cheese   8 oz. 370 22 23 1 17 9 10
Mexican Chicken  8 oz. 150 3.5 15 4 10 2 4
Mushroom Bisque  8 oz. 190 10 15 2 6 4 5
Overstuffed Bell Pepper  8 oz. 150 7 13 0 9 4 4
Pumpkin Pie Bisque 8 oz. 200 11 20 2 1 5 5
Roadhouse Sirloin Chili   8 oz. 180 7 13 6 13 3 5
Rustic Vegetable Bean   8 oz. 110 3 13 4 4 2 3
Shrimp & Crawfish Etouffee   8 oz. 190 6 17 1 13 4 5
Sicilian Pizza 8 oz. 150 8 12 2 6 3 4
Spicy Black Bean 8 oz. 160 2 18 11 8 3 4
Summer Veggie Chop w/ Chicken 8 oz. 40 0.5 7 1 5 1 1
Tomato Basil   8 oz. 150 8 14 2 2 3 4
Tomato Spinach and Brown Rice   8 oz. 130 3 17 4 5 2 3
Veggie Waves of Grain  8 oz. 70 0.5 12 2 2 1 2
GreenZ! (per half) Serving
.cobb 1/2 Serving 293.6 15 11.9 2.9 26.5 7 8
American Farm 1/2 Serving 62 2.5 6.4 2.1 5 1 2
Asian 1/2 Serving 349.4 11.2 39.9 4.7 23 7 9
Chicken Caesar 1/2 Serving 219 7 5.8 1.5 31.5 5 5
Greek 1/2 Serving 96.1 4.2 12.6 2.4 9.2 2 3
Loco Burrito 1/2 Serving 205.3 6.1 14.3 2.9 22.6 4 5
Sonoma 1/2 Serving 146.8 9.2 12.7 3.9 5.5 3 4
Lemon Caper Tuna Salad 1/2 Serving 118 7.4 4.2 2.1 9.6 3 3
Summer Berry with Fresh Mozzarella 1/2 Serving 240.4 7.4 7.2 3.5 14.1 5 4
SandwichZ! (per half) Serving
4 Cheese Melt 1/2 Sandwich 350 14.5 37.5 1 17 8 9
Chicken Greek with Feta 1/2 Sandwich 319.7 11.3 39.4 4.4 16.7 7 9
Chicken Toscana 1/2 Sandwich 496.4 22.4 42.4 1 30.1 12 13
MTB 1/2 Sandwich 349 13.3 39.6 1.4 18 8 9
Southwest Turkey 1/2 Sandwich 441.5 20.1 38 1.2 24.9 10 12
Tuna Salad with Lemon Capers 1/2 Sandwich 404.2 20.2 35.5 4.4 21.6 9 11
Turkey Club with Swiss 1/2 Sandwich 511.5 25.125 38.8 1.2 30.875 12 14
Veggie- Terranean 1/2 Sandwich 334.9 11.8 49.7 4.8 12.3 7 10
KidZ! Grilled Cheese 1/2 Sandwich 350 19.5 27.9 1 16.4 8 10
KidZ! PB&J 1/2 Sandwich 544 30.6 53.1 4.4 18.2 13 15
Salad Dressing Serving
Balsamic Vinaigrette 2 oz 120 10 8 0 0 3 3
Caesar 2 oz 320 34 2 0 2 9 9
Ranch 2 oz 300 32 4 0 0 9 9
Raspberry Vinaigrette 2 oz 300 24 24 0 0 8 9
Chiptole Ranch 2 oz 280 30 2 0 0 8 8
Cucumber Dill Sauce 2 oz 75 6 1.4 0 0.4 2 2
Sesame 2 oz 280 24 12 0 0 8 7
Balsamic Raspberry 2 oz 148 12.2 11 0 0 4 4
*Weight Watchers® Points® and PointsPlus® values for Restaurants have been calculated by JustDietNow and are not endorsed by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

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